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Import error script not found

On our first workspace, we had no problem importing another def. On our new workspace, we can't import an another def. We don't understand.
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The decision has been made...?
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Python 'AttributeError' for modules

Hi, Im trying to run a python script in Windmill's UI, but am getting an 'AttributeError' for certain packages such as numpy (example in screenshot). When I run print(numpy), I get the following: <module 'numpy' (<_frozen_importlib_external.NamespaceLoader object at 0x7f28c4de3750>)>. However, I was told by support that I should see the following and could be an instal issue on my end.

What does Filter-by-args-set do on run's page

I add here {"key": "24434"}, it is giving me in results those runs also which have {"key": "32432}
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One particular workspace's schedules page takes too long to load

Earlier it was 3-4 seconds, now upto 10 seconds. Other workspace's schedule page load as usual 1-2 seconds but this particular workspace takes too long, I check in chrome network inspector, the api takes too long to finish. ...

Using a function's output typescript types in the next step of the flow

I have a function whose output is properly typed but when I use that output as the next function's input, I am redefining the types. What is the recommended way for functions in a flow to share types?

If I send a lot of data to a webhook, the start of the job will be very late.

I tried to send 1000~3000 row data by webhook to windmill, however whenever I put lots of data in webhook, then flow job start was really rate, so timeout error was occured in client side. Is it a common issue or Do i use it in wrong way?
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Any changes to state trigger a refresh on one of my dropdown select component?

So this drop down select component is very important, and changing it's values triggers a lot of dependencies. But for some reason when I work with other components that work with my state, something somehow triggers the change in this dropdown to go back to default value. I've been trying to track what causes this but to no luck. I'm on V1.136.0...

Python 'AttributeError' for certain modules

Hi, Im trying to run a python script in Windmill's UI, but am getting an 'AttributeError' for certain packages such as numpy (example in screenshot). When I run print(numpy), I get the following: <module 'numpy' (<_frozen_importlib_external.NamespaceLoader object at 0x7f28c4de3750>)>. However, I was told by support that I should see the following: <module 'numpy' from '/tmp/windmill/cache/pip/numpy==1.26.1/numpy/'>. Could this have something to do with my install/scripts? Would ap...
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Permission denied error with windmill and supabase

Hi everyone, I need some help with Windmill. I'm trying to deploy it on railway using the Dockerfile and connect it to a supabase database. The deployment works fine, but I get this error when I run it and logged in: Sql error: error returned from database: permission denied to set role "windmill_admin" Does anyone know what's causing this and how to fix it? Thanks in advance!...

Running "side effects" in flow / return early to (windmill) App

I'm having a use case that I think is not normal maybe, but not unheard of at least. But I'm not sure how to model it in windmill. I have a (windmill) app that runs a flow, the flow inserts into a database, and then it notifies about this a couple of places (slack, email). What I would like to achieve is to return a result o the user after I have inserted into the database, and then let the flow do slack and email afterwards. so the user do not need to wait on this result. The only way I see doing this now, would be to call another flow from the HTTP endpoint... but that feels a bit hacky since I now can't see the relation between the flows. ...

Remove darkmode from App?

Is there a way to remove darkmode from app? I created a app and customized it a bit to get a better look and feel, but I forgot that windmill has darkmode... And now the look and feel is awefull for toose users. I do not want to support 2 designs. Is there a way to remove the darkmode from the app styles? ...

Two or more event handlers of button

Is it possible to bind multiple actions to the "click" event? For example, I want to run a Deno script (send a request with data) and then a Frontend JS to change the state.

Always-on scripts/flows?

Is there a way to have some HTTP server / blocking function to run and never stop?

Nested for loops?

Is there any way to reference the iteration value from the outer for loop?
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WordPress / WooCommerce support?

Any plans to add WordPress support?

Kubernetes Helm Chart Installation First LogIN

Hello guys, I installed afew hours ago but I cannot find any login credentials what is the default credantials?
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Which rest api to use for re-running a failed flow-run

My usecase is if some flow-run gets failed in production workspace (which i dont have access to) due to 3rd party rate limiting issue. We want to run that job again by clicking on "Run again" But since i dont have access to that workspace, i cannot run that again. And senior have to run that....

Setting up oauth resources for gdrive/gsheets on self-hosted

Hi, I'm trying to set up google sheets and google drive oauth resources on my self-hosted windmill but need some help with the last steps. I followed the setup OAuth and SSO guide, added the relevant OAuth clients on google side and set up OAuth in Superardmin Settings -> Instance Settings -> SSO/OAuth. When it comes to adding the actual resources, they're not listed under OAuth APIs, and only in the Others category. When I use the gdrive/gsheets resource from that category, the resource does not appear to work as expected when I use it together in scripts....
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Error while saving the flow as a draft: Not authorized: You are not owner of the folder ABC

Getting this error on workspace where I am not an admin but an Author and in folder where I am writer and not owner. Same error for script also : Error while saving the script as a draft: Not authorized: You are not owner of the folder ABC...