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`Use pre-made failure script` gives empty search result for Workspace scripts filter

I have many scripts in my workspace. When creating a flow, I enabled error handling and was searching for one of existing scripts I created in same workspace. I was using Use pre-made failure script and filtered the Workspace scripts tab, but got empty results....

Hovering on "npm:axios" & caching do nothing

Using deno script Have an import as import axios from "npm:axios"; it should error (red lines below text) I hover over it & click on quick fix > cache dependency. ...

Resource vs (Secret) Variable

Suppose I created a resource for , let's say, Postgres db (ignore that it is existing if it is ) The resource will have fields like port, host, username, password, database. If instead of this I use 5 secret variables of one value each (host, port, etc) OR one secret json variable having all 5 fields/properties, how does it affect ?...

Creating script without parent u/username/scriptname - What does this means ?

I created two workspaces manually on self-hosted windmill webapp. In workspace1 , I added a script and a flow In cli , I pulled that workspace 1, So locally I have the script and flow Now I copied this to another local directory (say new directory) ...

`add workspace` without --create flag - What is this exactly

I have an existing workspace in docker-self-hosted windmill application. On cli, I ran wmill add <workspace-name> <workspace-id> <remote-url> I could not find my workspace-name, so randomly added any text workspace-id was correct remote-url I kept , supose I am hosting windmill at (could not find link to workspace directly) . In this url, I can see my other workspace and when I select one, i gets switched to it but in url no special workspace name is appended like . It remains only...

Upgrade 1.99 to 1.108

I get the following error when I want to upgrade to the new version: : 2023-06-01T17:57:36.192230872Z Error: Migrating database: while executing migrations: error returned from database: null value in column "app_id" of relation "app_version" violates not-null constraint

GraphQL Documentation in Windmill

Hi Team, My company uses GraphQL for our primary API. I have been using it with Windmill to build some common workflows and dashboards for my team but I am wanting to enable them to build their own tools. This got me thinking that I need to provide the team with some documentation so they can explore the API for themselves. For this I was considering spectaql or something similar....

Beginner Question: Javascript imports from node

Is it possible to run this type of code within a script in Windmill to have interactivity? ``` import * as readline from "node:readline/promises"; import { stdin as input, stdout as output } from "node:process";...

How the CLI works

I'm testing the CLI but I can't push my script, not sure why... Thanks!

PHP support

Mostly curious, are there plans for it?

AI-based programming

I started to talk about this in #general and then we went to <#1097579833732649000> but I guess #forum-discussion is the best place for long-lived discussions, so I'll try to summarize the ideas here and then send some new things that might be relevant.
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